Hello! It's been a while since any major updates but I'm happy to say I've got some new changes you might be interested in! So, let's get right into it..
The Music section of the site has been changed to Cinema as it now features videos! I'm still working on uploading the videos I have but there's still plenty to watch in the mean time!
Video Player Added - You can now watch videos I post on the website!
Reminder, You can even leave comments on the videos! Just look in the top right corner of the video for the Info, Share, and Comment buttons!
Music Section Condensed - Both Affinity and Singles have their own dedicated pages.
Along with updating the galleries, a few quality of life changes have been added.
Galleries updated - New pictures have been added!
Load More Button Added - Now you can load more images! This means there's no hard cap on the amount of images a gallery can have.
With the addition of an upcoming story, the Nexus page has been updated to host more stories in the future.
New Story Added - Alex has been added. Bonus content coming soon.
New Art Added - Affinity and Alex have both received new front cover art.
Mobile Set Updated - Nexus section has been made friendlier on phones.
Update - [8/20/2020]
New Traditional Archive Added! It contains 45 illustrations of my very first works (NSFW Included) scanned straight from the sketchbooks I keep hidden under my bed!